How Close To The Trustee Sale Date Can You Initiate The Short Sale Process?
Hi, this is Kerri from the Bay Area Short Sale Angels, :k1:'s number one short sale team. A lot of people have asked me how close to the trustee sale date can you initiate the short sale process. The trustee sale date is known as the foreclosure sale date. There's not an easy answer to that, it really depends on the bank that is servicing your loan. For the most part, as a general rule, we need at least ten days. Ten days prior to the trustee sale date to initiate that short sale and have a chance of getting it into the system and being able to get an extension on that short sale date. By no means does that mean hang out and live in your house until ten days before and then say you would like a short sale. Give your agent as much time as possible before that trustee…